Monday 4 June 2007

An action packed weekend in Abuja!

Admittedly this is yet another bulletin completely non-work related but I just wanted to give you a quick update about the weekend. I went to Abuja for another get together at the army barracks which is the local gathering point if you want good fish and chips!

Later we ended up with some friends at a posh house with a full sized bar in the front room and I felt like I was in a surreal film set....But that was nothing compared to the party we went to the next night. It was in a house with a life sized model areoplane on the roof, taking up the top storey...anyone who has been to Abuja will know where I mean! A friend of mine knew the Lebanese family throwing the party so a group of us went along. It was very ornate inside, but the apart from the delicious food ( as much hummous as I could imagine !!) it was great to try out lebanese-style dancing ! Everyone was very friendly and we were all encouraged to bop away...The worst part was that I have never felt so under dressed for a party in my life. I only had my scruffy trainers with me in Abuja so i borrowed a friend's top but had to make do with my sporty trousers and trainers when everyone else was in cocktail dresses and high heels!! When I noticed the film crew filming us dancing , I was particularly aware of my outfit, but by then it was too late for me to care too much!! In fact the whole weekend was very surreal as I ended up sunning myself at the Hilton by the pool on Saturday...for free this time. Managed to get away with it!

Back to work today though. Lots of planning to do for another workshop and I was going to do another evening of making resources but I have had a nice excuse to go out for a gas canister has run out and I can't even boil water or cook at the moment!! I should be getting a new one in the next couple of days.....We shall see...!

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