A Short post this time. Just a couple of snaps showing Speech and language Therapy Assessment in action! The little girl wearing the Snow suit ( over her school uniform no less and it really isn't cold in the slightest!) is discovering how to play with the Pop up dragon game and is in my new Speech Therapy room. We now have mats and a table. Hopefully paint for the walls, some curtains and some more rugs will be next on the list, depending on funding! The little girl in denim has Autism and is particularly intrigued in part of a game I brought out! She loves anything that is brightly coloured.
The picture of me swimming was taken last Saturday when I tagged along to a birthday party by a freshwater lake with a group of other ex-pats and Nigerians I met. It was cold, but refreshing as us Brits say. Not everyone ventured into the water though!
Time to head back to my place. I volunteered to help make 5o Gold medal ( cardboard medallions) for the Special Olympics Competition this weekend as I foolishly let on that I brought a laminator out with me! So that's my evening taken up!
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